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Sausages without allergens.

Production of sausages with none of the 14 allergens of the list referred to in Regulation 1169/2011:

  1. Cereals containing gluten, namely: wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut or its hybrid varieties and products except:
    • glucose syrups from wheat, including dextrose.
    • Wheat-based maltodextrins.
    • And glucose syrups based on barley.
    • Cereals used to make alcoholic distillates, including ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin.
  2. Crutaceos and products of crustaceans.
  3. Eggs and egg products.
  4. Fish and fish products, except:
    • Jelly-fish used as a support of vitamins or preparations of carotenoids.
    • Fish gelatine or isinglass used as fining agent in beer and wine.
  5. Peanuts and peanut products.
  6. Soya and soya-based products, except:
    • Oil and grease from fully refined soyabean seed.
    • Natural Mixed Tocopherols (E306), d-alpha tocopherol natural, d-alpha tocopherol and natural d-alpha tocopherol natural derived from soyabeans.
    • Phytosterols and phytosterol esters derived from vegetable oils of soya.
    • Phytostanol esters derivatives of phytosterols of soyabean seed oil.
  7. Milk and milk products (including lactose), except:
    • Whey used for making distillates alcoholics, including ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin.
    • Lactitol.
  8. Frutos de cáscara, es decir: almendras, avellanas, nueces, anacardos, pacanas, nueces de Brasil, alfóncigos, nueces de macadamia o nueces de Australia y productos derivados, salvo productos de cáscara utilizados para hacer destilados alcohólicos, incluido el alcohol etílico de origen agrícola.
  9. .Nuts, that is to say: almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pecans, Brazil nuts, pistachio, macadamia nuts or nuts of Australia and derived products, except for products nuts used for making distillates alcoholics, including ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin.
  10. Celery and derived products.
  11. Mustard and derived products.
  12. Grains of sesame and sesame seed.
  13. Sulfur dioxides and sulphites in concentrations greater than 10 mg/l in terms of total SO2, to the products as proposed ready for consumption or as reconstituted according to the instructions of the manufacturer.
  14. Lupin and yellow lupin.
  15. Molluscs and shellfish products.

Cárnicas Dibe, committed to the growing problem in relation to food allergies, has worked hard to be able to offer our customers a range of products and sausages completely free of allergens recognized by the European Union. We hope will be of your liking.

Desarrollado por Gabala